Category: chemistry

  • Candy Creation Contest!

    Candy Creation Contest!

    SWEET CONCOCTION CONTEST!Love candy and like to cook? Enter ODYSSEY‘s contest in the February 2012 “Candy: Sweet Science” issue and you might win a super sweet prize! First, read up on the science of concocting candy: *from “Making New Candy Concoctions” By Anna M. Lewis To be a candy inventor, you need to be part…

  • It’s One Atom at a Time

    Two New Elements Officially Added To Periodic Table By MALCOLM RITTER, AP Science Writer Malcolm Ritter, Ap Science Writer – 23 mins ago NEW YORK – Remember the periodic table from high school chemistry? It just got a little bigger.Two new chemical elements, numbers 114 and 116, have been officially recognized by an international committee of chemists…