Parent Comments about SIMPLY SCIENCE CAMP

Comments from parents
Thanks for a great summer. Our son had a wonderful time and new vocabulary words keep popping out of his mouth that I know you are responsible for!” (Kindergarten)
Our daughter was so into Science Camp and learned more about science in her two weeks here then she learned in an entire school year at her previous school. She just loved it. We plan to do the full program next summer! She virtually told me everyday what she learned and she spoke with such enthusiasm when she recapped her time in Science Camp. “I love Science Camp.” “Why can’t we go to Science Camp on the weekend.”
“Thank you for a great camp and great photos.  Our son ( 1st grade)  had a such wonderful time and I wish we could have scheduled more days for him to come to camp – we definitely will next summer.”
It would be great it you could do science camp next year – Our daughter (2nd grade) will sign up for sure! You have been an extremely positive influence to her.  She loves science and her love and affection has certainly been influenced by your dedication.
Science camp has been a lot of fun for her- you have to be back next year!”
Thank you for these great photos!  And we appreciate everything you have done to help make our daughter’s summer so special and truly wonderful!! She is looking forward to the last week of camp with you.” (1st grade)
“It was so wonderful to meet you on Monday.  You are a gifted and caring teacher.  My son has loved the camp. You have designed a fantastic program with great people and he is so happy to be part of the camp.” (Pre K)
"The kids had a terrific time. Thank you!
Our son wants to know if he can participate next year even though he'll be 
going into 4th grade!"

“My son just seemed completely interested and excited about what he was learning 

and has continually talked about it!” (2nd grade)
“She talked about the animals, continued to play with the goop at home and used the color wheel
with her own projects. I think that she learned a lot without realizing that she was learning which
is great.” (Pre K)
Comments from our guest stars:
“I had a great time and would love to be part of Simply Science next year.”
The kids were great. Thanks for sharing these photos. I look forward to visiting your class again next year!”